Write a Review of the Podcast

Apple podcasts


  • Open the Apple Podcasts mobile app and find Point of Relation.

  • Scroll down to find “Ratings & Reviews.”

  • Under the highlighted reviews, select “Write a Review.”

  • Select a star rating.

  • Using the text box at the top, write a title for your review. Then, in the lower text box, write your review.

  • Click “Save”



  • Open the Spotify mobile app and find Point of Relation.

  • Click on the Star icon beneath the podcast name and select a rating.

  • Navigate to your favorite episode of Point of Relation.

  • Scroll down until you see “Q&A”, and reply to the prompt: “What did you think about this episode?”

  • Click “Send”

NOTE: The Q&A is a new feature, and thus is not available for episodes earlier than #22.