Relational Skills

Cultivating Space

Thomas dives deep into how we can learn to be more grounded in stressful moments, and grow our resilience, agency, and ability to respond to challenges. He shares insights and practices to activate curiosity, exploring how we can expand our individual healing into the community. We’re living in a very complex time – a global

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Dr. Robert Waldinger – The Surprising Truth About Happiness

Thomas is joined by Dr. Robert Waldinger, a psychiatry professor and the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, to explore the secrets to human happiness and thriving. They discuss the profound insights gained from the longest-running study on human happiness, revealing how relationships, stress regulation, and having a strong sense of purpose shape

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Roshi Joan Halifax – Compassion as the Key to Resilience

Thomas is joined by Buddhist teacher, Founder and head teacher of Upaya Zen Center, social activist, and author, Roshi Joan Halifax. They discuss Roshi Joan’s pioneering work in end-of-life care, and how spirituality can inform and inspire more compassionate activism. Roshi Joan shares her insights on how decades of practice have equipped her to navigate

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